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Healthy You! Healthy You!

Healthy You!Power of LoveHealthy You!
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Moving through life helping others see their beauty from within, to feel their beauty, feel their gifts, be their soul from the inside out, to embrace all that they are and to be at one with their essence, their spirit and the loving energy that we all are, we all come from, and move forward from within and merge. To become one with the divine creator, the divine energy we all were created from. We are all one with the chord of love, the highest energy vibration that there is, the essence of pure joy, happiness, peace, creativity, a deep well of moving energy creating heaven within each one of us, to breathe in love, to live in love, to become the essence of love while inhabiting a human vessel, to bring love through each cell to absorb the energies of the emotion of let it warm your heart, your soul singing out for all to hear.

   Love is the answer, love is the energy, love is the all that brings us together. Love is all there is! Uniting two, then three, then four, and so on until infinity reigns supreme on mother earth, bringing all together through the power of the love energy, essence, purity in its truest form, to feel it bursting from within, like a huge well of plutonium power, erupting from within, not contained anymore, allowed the freedom to flow, expand exponentially, to spread and infiltrate each molecule, each entity upon the earth, and within the earth, and to become the bright explosive undulating energy that we were truly meant to be when we incarnated on earth, to allow our spirit to burst forth from our center, to be the love that we truly are.

   In this state there are the thoughts of us, not I as an individual, it will start from the individual giving the permission for her/his soul to reign supreme over her/his human vessel, allowing the loving energy to correct and heal all wounds, then once this process has occured, allowing it the space and permission to expand into your world of global consciousness, to allow it to penetrate each modality within the earths crust, and creating a world anew. Allowing the goodness of the truth to expand within each one of you, allowing the ego to dissolve into love...truth, and all will be beautiful and loving, creative and growth will be achieved and you will become a shining light within the universe for all to see!

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©2003, Simply Serendipity

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