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Healthy You!

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A Coach to Enjoy as We travel
Healthy You! Along Our lifes path

Our ride is life-centered around beauty.full of hearts and love. WE each take our steps through life and as we get older our wisdom becomes our heart and the experiences our wheels on our coach to inner happiness and peace. The flower depicts our beauty, our wisdom and the green ribbons enfolds our center, and the hearts our our messages of love, the orange ribbons our energy moving forth to attract more wisdom and love.

   Dear Ones,

   It is our great pleasure to bring to you a message of love of light of wisdom. You are all beautiful souls travelling along lifes byways, bringing to your being experiences which are lessons that encapsulate your heart. These experiences when endured at times or just experienced thru a loving heart brings with them wisdom in learning all about yourselves. When others push your buttons so to speak, take time to feel them, to allow the buttons being pushed to express what it feels like. Then.allow the energy of peace to engulf you from the deepest part of you and the wisdom comes. Sometimes this takes minutes, hours, weeks, or months...even longer sometimes if the buttons being pushed are really sad or hurt or angry. It is imperative that you allow the energies to flow thru you, not to block it, but to allow the pain..or the joy.

   To express from your insides what you are feeling is very important as when the energy of the feeling is acknowledged then you can release it through using a phrase or sentence that feels right for you.experiment and see what resonates for you....
To Read More, Please Order My E-Book!
Namaste Dear Ones!!!!

"A Coach to Enjoy as We travel Along Our lifes path"
 © 2003, Simply Serendipity

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