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The Tree of Life......
What do you see....a Mystery!

This painting is about our inner pathways to our center. We have so much energy emanating from our world, in our plants, animals.and each other. Our thoughts create energy and when we center them on our heartso much happens. There is always someone watching over us as we move through life!!

Dear ones...

   You are all very special, adding your energy to the different streams of life and becoming one with all. Your thoughts, feelings, and loving hearts help to create a beautiful world to live in. Change is here and you are all experiencing this in so many forms. Some are very sad, some people feel hopeless, some difficult situations are coming up for so many, then there are those that see their experiences as a lesson to glean the wisdom from. So much change and you see yourselves is paramount for the next step. You are all manifesting beautifully, allowing the energy to fashion a new life for you!!

   To express from your insides what you are feeling is very important as when the energy of the feeling is acknowledged then you can release it through using a phrase or sentence that feels right for you.experiment and see what resonates for you. To shift and to learn you must be patient with yourselves. The lesson is learned quickly as you allow the energy of love to permeate what ever situation you find yourselves in. If you can love yourself from your heart your pain will disappear, and heal what ever part of your body that was in pain.

   To Read More, Please Order My E-book!

Namaste dear ones..

"Tree Of Life"
 © 2003, Simply Serendipity

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