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Healthy You!The world as it is in the moment and our allowing our hearts to openHealthy You!

AS I sit here contemplating...we are all stories blended together to form the school of learning, to feel and be, to love and be! Period. Understanding that we are not bound to ego, that we are not bound to anything but pure consciousness and we are THAT! We are not other peoples stories, for we all have the capacity to learn, grow, expand and be. The Love, which is pure consciousness and we are all connected through this stream of energy and light. Once we can let go of our thoughts for just a moment and the need to judge, the need to put ourselves first and judge others actions as good or bad, as it is our story acting out and not the pure essence of who we are. We are all joined together to stream the love if you will, just as the internet streams movies, programs, Facebook etc. It connects everyone together. Consciousness and love are one and the same.

You can choose to live out your stories or you can change them with the opening of your heart centers. You will feel more compassion, empathy and light for the story of another, help support this lovely light through his/her story and bring in health, wealth, and great feelings of expanded love. It is thru this energy of the heart, the love that we all are that we can choose to direct our lives and join in the elevation of consciousness in this world. So many stories and the essence is all the same. You may be feeling fear, or trepidation in the world of form. You may feel lack and limitation and this is all ok...Just allow your consciousness and love to flow thru these feelings and they will be softened and eradicated as you allow the energy of true knowing, awakened, to flow through. You are in the midst of allowing, in the midst of change and the word chaos comes to mind, for you are all battling, if you will, from the inside out. Your inner knowing is becoming strong and the outer thinking is finding cracks in the logic it creates and thus,you have an internal kind of argument. This is ok and just what it is to be, there is no judgement, just allow the energy of love to flow and the true intent and meaning will shine through. You will have elevated your consciousness to a more in-depth level and understanding will emerge. A unity of one, a consciousness of one, all individual but joined at the same time. A merging of consciousness and YOU will feel whatever you feel.

There is nothing but light and the levels you have acheived are directed by your inner understanding, compassion and LVOE! It is through LOVE that you will see the way, for when you are all in the river of light, in the river of love, you will all become consciousness. Flowing through and everywhere in the earth and out into the universe. It is with great pleasure we digress and bring this knowledge into your awareness dear ones. For you are all making the journey, you are all living out your stories and you are allowing the cracks to appear and be. It is with great love we send this message out to you. It is one that is being told throughout the world, by many lovely enlightened ones.

We LOVE YOU and we are here to merge with your hearts and to help you in whatever way possible. Through your invitation to allow the light and energy of love to move through you. This is a great healing energy for the soul, the body, as the soul emerges in and throughout the physical form and throughout your world, whatever it looks like at this time. You are all amazing beings of light in a human form. Love yourselves dear ones, love the heart and the light, love the good and the bad, whatever label you put on yourselves, or others.

Love and connect through your heart centers, the stories will change and peace will be found in all levels. It is what is taking place at this time. Some of you are creating more stories and that is good too. Your lives are the story you create. Ego helps to project you along in your story. it is good to have both the heart and the ego, for they can work together to bring about the harmony that you seek, allowing the ego to merge with the loving energy and you will feel the light, the elevated joining of all as one, bringing all your gifts to the table so to speak and allowing the truth to emerge, to be. That is all there is, and this is what is meant by all there is, for once you know you are love in action, and thought, in deed. You are all that is, all that there is, all in one and it is beautiful. You are radiant beings nd your energy is seen as beautiful lights through the universe. It is a pleasure to be one with you, as YOU are and will be, US, and a merging is taking place even as we write this.

We are love and consciousness, as you are also the same. In a physical form, but, the heart is the way through and to unlock the heart is the greatest gift, so, be one with you, allow the walls to disperse that may be blocking you from connecting with this beautiful you, the center of who you are. You are all divine beings, loving energy, consciousness and may you live your lives from this level of being. It is just fine where ever you find yourselves. No judgement. On any of you. On any of who you are or feel. You all will choose and you are not judged in any way for what you choose and how you live your life.

It is with great pleasure we bring you this message…and know we are always with you! Namaste

"The world as it is in the moment and our allowing our hearts to open"
©Brenda Forsey May 8, 2018

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