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Violet Ray Magazine

Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine

Februaury 2010,© The Power of Music Can Transform Your Soul
By Brenda Forsey
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the Power of Music Can Transform and Enlighten Your Soul

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Man understands music at an internal level. It resonates with the core level of his soul. Each individual gets his or her own message from the music, which radiates out from the soul to the physical brain. We then feel something from the music. The first thing man hears is the drumbeat or rhythm pattern. It resonates on a molecular level, which generates the electrical neurons in each cell of his body. The pulsating rhythm sets up a series of electrical waves, which permeates his human brain and lets him know and feel what the music is about. Each person will dance to his own drummer, as each individual resonates with his own specific beat.

    Music has evolved into several different styles: jazz, blues, pop, rock, which all resonate at a core level with the individual soul. Fast or slow, each vibration carries it's own colors and pulsation, which enters the physical body and creates movement in that individual. Thus individuals move to their own rhythm or pattern selected just for him or her. This has created such diversity in the human culture. From Africa to Europe to Canada, everyone dances to his or her own style and flavor, for example, in Jamaica, steel drums plays out calypso music.

    As the Waves or vibrations come down through the celestial realms, the vibration starts pulsating through people, and will resonate with the earth. Musicians will hear different sounds as they pick up on the new vibrations and will compose more New Age music, as well as enhance the original music. There will be a shift in the way we think which will cause us to question why the newer music is so much better than the old. The patterns are being changed, as more people are awakening and hearing the music from the celestial realms.

    Music is the universal language to all people, and all will start resonating at a deeper level as they wake up to their spirituality. The human body will undergo terrific vibrational changes; leading up to their own ascension to becoming who they really are and a soul awakening will occur. Music can set the tone and speed of the awakening soul. Each person has a blue print and as the unfoldment occurs through different creative mediums such as music, the awakened soul will in turn create and help another group to wake up and so on until the planet as we know it will have a new vibrational frequency as each atom has been made brand new and when all are assembled, a new order of connection will take place within the human body.

    New ideas will appear on the horizon and there will be someone there to pick them up and develop them to a higher level. Thoughts are from the brain, spirituality from the heart. With the connection of both with the intent of the highest good in place, a new way of seeing the world will take place. Positive feeds positive and there will be no room for the dark energy to reside. Light will melt away the darkness. Fear will not have the threshold on life as the new wave of living and reasoning will be so far above it, it will be evaporated for without thoughts of fear, no energy can feed it. Positive energy can combat negative energy, love is a positive vibration or force, "May the force be with you" can overpower dark energy as each emotion vibrates at it's own level. The positive emotions evoked by books, music, art vibrates at a high level thus negating the anger, and dark feelings as they vibrate at a low level of around 200. Love vibrates at 500 level and can overcome anger.

    Love yourself and who you are and you will vibrate at a higher level. As long as you keep love in your heart the darker forces, which bring worry, pain, anger, will not pervade your being and you will reap the benefits of the positive energy. By being positive you let in more light and sunshine into your heart and create waves of happiness all around you. Others will feel it and wonder at the new you, and even begin to start their own inner journey. They too will become enlightened and powerful beings. To bring the light through and shine it onto others will create the desired harmony each one of us has in our soul. The world will be a better place, as the plant, mineral, and animal kingdom will have transcended to a newer dimension of peace, love, and harmony. The world will rejoice and music and song will rise out of every heart and soul in celebration of the new millennium.

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